The Liturgy Committee plans the Liturgical Seasons of the Church Year in terms of Liturgy and environment themes, and prepares handouts, banners, orders booklets, and other special needs to make the Liturgical Celebrations more meaningful. They also prepare the church for Easter and Christmas, changing banners, flowers, Altar cloths, and other items needed for the different Liturgical Seasons. The committee meets on the first Monday of each month at 6 PM (no meetings in July). Please note: all volunteers MUST complete Virtus child protection training before they can begin any volunteering. Click here for more information.
If you are a Liturgical Minister and need to receive a copy of the current schedule, please contact Patty. If you are scheduled to serve and you cannot make it due to illness, weather, etc., please call the Sacristy and leave a voicemail (410-433-2300, ext. 106).
Altar Servers assist the Celebrant during Mass. They are responsible for preparing the Altar and making sure all necessary items are brought to the Altar prior to the beginning of the Mass. Open to anyone 10 years and older. Youth are always welcome!
This group of volunteers cleans and prepares the Sanctuary, Sacristy, and Vestibules for weekend Masses. Tasks of this group include polishing candle stands, cleaning and refilling the Holy Water Fonts, vacuuming rugs, dusting furniture, cleaning the Sacristy and glass doors, and dusting the racks and tables in each Vestibule. We meet every Thursday morning at 8 AM (unless it is a Holy Day or federal holiday). If you are interested, just come when you can! New volunteers are always welcome and greatly needed!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is an age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word offered for children in pre-k through 5th grade during Mass on selected Sundays throughout the year. All children are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Just before the Liturgy of the Word begins, the children are invited to go to the lower hall where our teachers lead them through prayers, readings, and crafts.
Contact: Kelley Ray or call 443-255-4034
Eucharistic Ministers assist the Celebrant in distributing communion at weekend Masses and on other Holy Days of Obligation. Some ministers also take Communion to the sick and homebound. Ministers are adults who are Baptized Catholic, have received their First Communion and Confirmation, and are practicing Catholics. Training is done on an individual basis.
Hospitality Ministers are available to welcome and assist people as they come into the church. They hand out worship aids and assist during Communion. During Mass, they also monitor the doors, vestibule, and lower level for activity that is out of the ordinary. These ministers are key players in maintaining safety and security during Mass. Please also consider becoming a Medical Response Minister!
We would really love to grow this ministry and are seeking dedicated volunteers to serve! If you would like to volunteer, email Chris Heemann in the church office or call us at 410-433-2300.
Also contact: Patty DeLisle or call 410-433-2300
Lectors proclaim the Scripture Readings at all weekend Masses and on other Holy Days of Obligation. The Lector also leads the Universal Prayer for Masses and other announcements as needed. Those interested must have a very strong speaking voice and are able to speak slowly, clearly, and effectively. Training is done on an individual basis. We also need strong Lectors to serve at Daily Mass as well!
Sacristans unlock and lock the church doors before and after Mass. They make sure all lights in the church and restrooms are on and the HVAC system is on in the church. They prepare the Offertory gifts for each Mass, make sure all collections baskets are on the altar rail, prayer sheets are on the altar, and other items for Mass are ready in the Sacristy for the lectors and altar servers (the book of the Gospels, water cruet, lavabo bowl and towel, and the Roman Missal). At the end of Mass, they make sure all is cleaned up and the collections are safely put away. If needed, they turn off all lights, HVAC system, and lock all doors to the church.